• Mumbai ,New Delhi ,Jaipur, Ahmedabad ,Allahabad, Patna, Bangalore , Hyderabad ,Chennai, Ranchi, Kolkata , Berlin ,Princeton, New York, Dubai , Harare, Moscow, Australia

Information Technology Law

In today’s digital age, where information technology and voice/data communications infrastructure have become ubiquitous, businesses have found ways to leverage these advancements to provide routine services in a cost-effective manner without compromising quality standards. As the first wave of information technology brought efficiencies within organizations and reduced internal transaction costs, we recognize the need to navigate the complex legal landscape that accompanies these technological advancements. With the rapid penetration of the internet and the ever-evolving IT-BPO industry, our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to helping clients adapt to the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities presented by the dynamic world of information technology.

As a leading law firm specializing in Information Technology (IT) Law, we provide comprehensive legal services tailored to the unique needs of the IT industry. Our team of experienced attorneys is well-versed in the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of this sector, offering expert advice and representation across a wide range of IT-related matters. Our areas of expertise include:

  1. Software as a Service (SaaS) and Different Types of SaaS:
  •  We offer guidance on the legal aspects of SaaS, including the drafting and negotiation of agreements such as SaaS agreements, terms of service, and end-user license agreements (EULAs).
  • Our team addresses compliance issues, intellectual property rights, liability, and data protection considerations specific to SaaS models; including compliance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and its subsequent amendments.
  1. Cloud-Related Agreements:
  •     We provide legal counsel on cloud computing agreements, ensuring our clients understand the terms and conditions of cloud service providers.
  •     Our attorneys meticulously review and negotiate cloud service agreements, addressing concerns related to data security, service levels, and liability.
  1. Call Centre Service Agreements:
  •     We offer comprehensive legal support in drafting and negotiating call center service agreements.
  •     Our team provides guidance on key provisions, including confidentiality, intellectual property ownership, service levels, and termination clauses.
  1. Software Development Agreements:
  •  We assist clients in drafting and reviewing software development agreements tailored to their specific needs.
  •  Our attorneys ensure these agreements cover essential elements such as the scope of work, intellectual property rights, warranties, and indemnification.
  1. Vendor Agreements:
  •    We provide advice on negotiating and drafting vendor agreements for the procurement of IT products and services.
  •    Our team addresses critical aspects such as licensing, maintenance and support, service levels, and dispute resolution mechanisms.
  1. Data Privacy:
  • Our firm offers comprehensive guidance on data privacy laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011.
  • We assist clients in developing privacy policies, conducting privacy impact assessments, and ensuring compliance with data protection requirements.