US Attorney
New York


Nicholas is a JD from Virginia School of Law USA. He is a New York-qualified Attorney having more than 14 years of practice in law.

He has handled arbitrations with a total value in excess of US$15 billion, involving over 20 jurisdictions, and under the rules of all major arbitral institutions. These disputes involve a variety of industries, including energy, infrastructure, oil & gas, mining, engineering & construction, financial services, insurance, media, manufacturing, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals.

In addition to our broad commercial arbitration practice, he has deep expertise in public international law, including claims for breaches of investment treaties and other investor protections. He has represented both investors and sovereigns before ICSID tribunals and in other leading fora. Based on this expertise, he regularly advises on investment structuring, risk mitigation, and claim negotiations.

Nicholas also has hands-on experience in arbitration-related litigation, including enforcing arbitration awards and agreements, obtaining interim relief, seeking discovery, and managing parallel multi-jurisdictional claims. He also sits as an arbitrator.

Recognition: He is recognized by the USA and Latin America editions of Chambers and Legal 500, as well as by Global Arbitration Review, Who’s Who, and other industry guides.

Awards: Chaffetz Lindsey was awarded Global Arbitration Review’s “Small Law Firm of the Year” in 2011, and Chambers USA’s International Arbitration Client Service award in May 2014.



A few examples of international arbitration experience include:

1. International Commercial Arbitration

  • Power plant owner in Guatemala in an ICC arbitration against a Chinese contractor over complex construction/project finance claims, winning US$300 million and defeating claims of US$900 million.
  • European pharmaceutical company in an NAI arbitration with a major global company concerning a commercialization agreement, obtaining a US$200 million+ award.
  • A Turkish telecommunications company in a US$1 billion ICC arbitration in Geneva and disputes in other jurisdictions over a failed corporate acquisition.
  • Brazilian private equity firm in an ICC arbitration in Sao Paulo involving a $100 million dispute with one of the world’s largest hedge funds.
  • Korean construction sub-contractor in an ICDR arbitration against the US prime contractor arising out of a FIDIC contract for a road project in Afghanistan.
  • Brazilian firm in an ICC arbitration arising out of its construction of a floating oil and gas production, storage, and offloading vessel.
  • US energy company in a Singapore-seated SIAC arbitration of post-acquisition claims for breach of warranties/fraud arising from the purchase of a power plant in Pakistan.

2. Investment Arbitrations & Public International Law

  • US energy investor in a US$600m ICSID arbitration against Argentina over BIT breaches, including novel issues in the power generation sector.
  • Spanish construction company in an ICSID arbitration against Ecuador over BIT breaches arising from the expansion of Ecuador’s largest gas refinery.
  • Liberia in an ICSID arbitration in connection with a gold mining concession with a North American investor.
  • Dutch investor in noticing breaches by Turkey of its obligations under the Energy Charter Treaty and certain BITs, arising out of the imposition of a special tax on generators.
  • Multinational banks in BIT and NAFTA claims against Mexico arising out of debt restructuring and negotiating a favourable settlement.